Thursday, April 30, 2009

The goal is in sight

THANK YOU so much for your support along the Team in Training journey to this point.

My goal is to raise at least $4,100 for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, and I am SO CLOSE. According to my handy-dandy spreadsheet, I'm up to $3,900.

I could not have come this far without your help and support - whether it was a monetary donation, a thumbs-up to a Facebook post, or just asking "Hey, how's the training going?"

Knowing that there are that many people out there who are behind me is really pushing me to continue without becoming discouraged.

Each time someone asks how the training is going, it keeps me honest. It gets me out of bed at 5 a.m. to head to the gym. It keeps me running up those darn hills even at mile 16 or 17.

I've attached a photo of my training partner, Mitzi, and I. It was taken just after our long run last Saturday - 18 miles! We're still smiling, and it's because of you!

My efforts for Team in Training have become even more important just in the last few weeks. I will wear the name Lynsey Fitzgerald on the back of my racing singlet in memory of a 2008 Blue Valley High graduate who passed away three weeks ago after a years-long battle with Leukemia. Lynsey was known around BVHS for her love of students and teachers and her BV Tiger spirit. Her will to be at school even when she was in horrible pain is an inspiration to us all.

Again, I truly appreciate your willingness to support LLS research, programs and patients even in these economic times.

If you haven't donated yet, you still can. Visit my website:

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