If things don't start moving a little more quickly in our bathroom, we very well could be doing our business like this:
Or, we'll be investing in a camp shower that we can hang from the clothesline!
The shower ceramic tile is done, the floor ceramic tile is done. Now, we wait on the beadboard. Once the beadboard is done, THEN we get the sink, toilet and shower completed. Hopefully, that will be sometime between now and the end of the first quarter grading period.
(I'm only half-joking...)
We went ahead and hung up the shower curtain, so it looks a little more done. Getting up at 5:45 to run over to Ma and Pa's to shower is starting to get a little old. Poor Jayne - she's probably pissed that we're waking her up every morning so early. Hopefully we're not waking Mom and Dad up too.
I'm now two days into my fifth year of teaching. Hard to believe!
Things are going well. I'm not completely exhausted, my room is organized, yearbook and newspaper are running like a well-oiled machine. Check back with me on Friday, though - by then, after a full week of school, I just might be totally exhausted.
01.05.23 Fifteen years
2 years ago
uh yeah, when Justin and I had to redo our bathroom (the only one in the house) we had to use a bucket in the laundry room. not a lot of fun. showers were taken at my mom and dad's, but with a five year old at the time, when nature called he had to drop the browns off at the superbowl in a bucket. funny, funny. ;o)
That bathroom better be done by October...L can't hold it all the time! :)
This is the most awesome photo of Adam ever (well, as far as I've seen).
Heather "the browns off at the superbowl" is as equally awesome. I've never heard that one. Funny.
YEAH! A new post!
Love the pic of Adam.
This is my response to you. See how tired I am??? Too tired to come up with my own stuff:
I'm now two days into my fifth year of teaching. Hard to believe!
Things are going well. I AM completely exhausted, my room is NOT organized, 4th GRADERS NEED TO BE TRAINED TO RUN like a well-oiled machine. Check back with me on Friday, though - by then, after a full week of school (AND MEET THE TEACHER NIGHT), I KNOW I'LL be totally exhausted.
Yes, that's mt firstborn. Mothers should be so proud.
I think our mailman got a pretty good chuckle out of this deal. He happened to walking by when we were shooting this...
He's probably thinking "What the hell kind of freaks are moving into that place?!"
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