As in, the "I hate Izzy Stephens" campaign, and the 36th annual River Festival.
Yes, it will be a little disjointed. Deal with it.
Okay, Grey's fans - what the hell? I used to FREAKIN love this show, now I just love this show. You can only put up with so much whiny Meredith for one thing. I thought when they did the total cheeze whiz episode where she and her mom crossed in the afterlife that it would be an obvious springboard to a more user-friendly Meredith. (She knows her mom thinks she's done good, so now she can stop being so depressed and daddy-issued out all the time.) Well, that lasted about 1.5 episodes.
And, back to the IHISC - how many times can one girl say to one guy - "You're my best friend, and I'll support you in everything you do to help you make your marriage work" and then turnaround IN THE NEXT BREATH and say "But I'm in love with you, and I hope you're in love with me too." Maybe it's because I'm married, I don't know. It just pisses me off. You support your friends and help them build stronger relationships, not try to sabotage them at every turn for your own personal gain. I'm tired of it. The show is getting so schmaltzy, complete with overly dramatic music at the scene changes.
One of my favorite things about the show USED to be the great soundtrack - perfectly moody hip music. Now, they add the cheesy stuff. Uggh...
That's enough.
Now, for the number 36 -
We went to Riverfest tonight with Stacey, Eug and the kids. Here are a few photos. I'll save my little gems of wisdom on Riverfest for later this weekend.
But, I will say - LA-dees - I know that it's uncomfortable to wear a bra when it's a little warm outside, but if I see anymore floppy boobs in the next few days, I think I'll have to give Riverfest an R rating. Whoops, I guess it already gets an R rating for excessive smoking that doesn't contribute to the advancement of the story.
Anywho - here are the snaps.
Josh and Eug on one of the multitude of FREE rides! Yes! No tickets required! (Photo by Guest Blogger, Adam Chittum)
Stacey and Eug show off their swing dancing skills to the sounds of Big Bad Voodoo Daddies. I was so proud of Wichita - there were actually TONS of people out at the show.
MMmmmm...funnel cakes are good.
Mmmmm...funnel cakes are still good.
Photo by Guest Blogger Adam Chittum. I did not, incidentally, win the Million Dollar Hole In One. Dammit. (By the way, check out the awesome Derby Journalism T-Shirt.)
Adam did not win the Million Dollar Hole In One, either.
Wouldn't be a River Festival without a cheesy photo of some jackass eating roasted corn! (Photo by guest blogger Adam Chittum)
Time for bed. My butt's gotta be up at 5 a.m. tomorrow to go to the Y.
01.05.23 Fifteen years
2 years ago
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