Tuesday, May 22, 2007

I forgot - have to add two current events

Okay, check out these stories (both from Colorado, incidentally).

Pictures of students doing drugs on yearbook pages spark outrage

It's amazing how similar the rhetoric from the parent featured is to that of the Derby parents last year.

School name misspelled on the cover - and other problems

Okay, you all know I am biased against TV news (yeah, understatement of the year), and here's a good example of why. The entire story is about the "nightmare" of the "horrible" yearbook and all the misspellings. Well, the smarty-pants TV reporter couldn't even spell the journalism adviser's name right in the piece.

Hello? Pot? Kettle? Black? I think so.

The whole damn story is so sensationalized. If you watch the video, you should also read the comments that follow the story. Most of the kids are saying "It's not that big of a deal."

Point for discussion: Why are yearbooks such easy targets? And why does that seem to be increasing so much?


Candice said...

Maybe you're just noticing it more because you're an adviser now?

Anonymous said...

Yes, I agree that story is incredibly sensational. (I especially loved the little "slamming the book shut" shot at the end.) Interesting that they didn't include anyone from the school who said it was no big deal...

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