Monday, September 17, 2007

It's been one week (part deux)

I guess I've already used "It's been one week" as a title before, to document my blogging tardiness.

It is so windy here right now, it sounds like I'm typing this from a haunted house. There must be a storm blowing into town.

I just got home from the Sunflower Knit Guild meeting. Mom and I went to check it out. There were probably about 20-25 people there, from my age, up to Grandmotherly. It was interesting to see all of the projects people were knitting on. I'm so glad to know I'm not the only one out there with serious KRADD (Knitting Related ADD). Alas, I only had one project for show and tell, the infamous sweater vest. I did get to work on it for two whole hours, so I think I made some pretty serious progress tonight. My hope is that by this weekend, I'll be back to striping time.

It almost looks like a little mini-skirt, doesn't it? It's pretty lumpy and bumpy right now, but once it's knitted and blocked, I think it'll look pretty darn good.

The next item on my agenda is turning this 30-year-old wool sweater of my dad's (SHHH - don't tell him)...

into another felted purse. I think I need to wash it one more time to lock the fibers before I go cutting into the yarn. The plan is to get it nice and felted, and then cut it into pieces, using the sleeves for straps. I love the color scheme, so I think it will look pretty cool.

1 comment:

Lori said...

Your guild sounds fun. My mom and I are members of the Prairie Quilt Guild, which has about 900 members from my age to grandmotherly. Oh my, Jill. Are we really to this stage in life? :O)

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