I don't think so.
Twice today, I heard on the radio that the politicians think we're all in this financial crisis together.
Sure, "we're" all suffering the consequences right now, but I am for damn sure not in this with everyone else. Adam and I have owned two houses - we bought little, old houses, that were charming, and most importantly, that we could AFFORD.
Novel concept, I know. Pay back what you owe. Since we got married, we had a little credit card debt, but guess what: It's paid off!
I feel like we've done everything right. We don't live beyond our means. Yes, we buy some stuff we don't really need (see: Wii Party 1). But, overall, we are pretty careful about spending money. And even though we've lived right, I know eventually we'll get screwed in this deal somehow. Those of you who are more well-informed than I, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, comment if you disagree, whatever. But, I just feel like my tax money should be spent on things like great schools, public services like fire and police, and good roads (I am from Kansas - we expect pristine roadways around here...), NOT to bail out giant companies who got themselves in this mess.
Maybe those in charge of the corporations should dig into their personal savings accounts, severance packages, 401Ks, and contribute some of those millions to the cause!
Everybody knows where I stand on the whole Obama/McCain issue, but I did hear Obama say something today that I disagree with. He made an analogy that if your neighbor's house was on fire, you would just grab the hose and start fighting the fire, not blaming them for always leaving the stove on or smoking in bed. To me, that analogy doesn't fit here. It's not even in the same ballpark.
This is obviously failed economic policy. What happens now? I could care less about the jerks who got us into this mess, but what about all the rank and file employees who could lose their jobs? Lose their retirement accounts? What about those of us who have done the right thing economically, but will still be swept up in this mess?
Do Adam and I need to get our garden growing next spring so we can feed ourselves and have food to barter?
The "economic crisis" hasn't had a huge effect on our daily lives yet (except for high gas prices) but I think I really am starting to worry about what's going to happen. Last night, I lay awake for about two and a half hours. Is that nagging stress trying to tell me something?
Why do the people who are elected to represent us and protect us allow things like this to happen?
01.05.23 Fifteen years
2 years ago
Today was Day 2 of the Chicago Tribune redesign. Included in the front page display was an old black and white photo from the 30s of a line leading into a soup kitchen. I was disappointed, to say the least. While I don't dismiss that there is a problem, I think we're a long way off from standing in line for a free meal. I've been trying to ignore this mess the best I can because not only do the politicians in Washington not give a damn about me and my family, I also don't believe that anyone is telling the truth. There just isn't much I can do to prevent whatever it is that's going to happen so why worry about it?
Jill, I too have worried a lot about this. Justin & I bought a house we could afford as well. With Justin being in aircraft you never know day to day what is going to happen. Unlike a lot of people at Boeing/Spirit who totally live beyond their means, we never have. I'd like to think we've done everything right too. It's crazy. And with me being in newspaper, don't know what's gonna happen there now. I'm a nervous wreck about ALL of this.
I'm a nervous wreck for a completely different reason. Being unemployed right now is SCARY. I was worried before, but with the news of the economic crisis and the "bailout" it's even worse. More and more people are getting laid off and it's only going to get worse before it gets better. It is getting exponentially harder each day to find a new job.
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