Yeah, yeah, I'm sure you can buy one at Wal-Mart, but I can say "I MADE that." Today, a bunch of us did a basket "class" in my mom's garage. My aunt Alice taught us all how to make the baskets. It was a beautiful day for it, except it got pretty chilly later in the day.
These are the colored strips we used. I chose the one that is blue, with no other colors. Before you can start weaving, you have to put the "natural" colored reeds into the bottom of the basket, and those form the "ribs" that hold up the sides of the basket.
Still weaving.
Weaving some more.
Finally done with the weaving.
I have a couple more photos, but Blogger is being temperamental right now, so I can't get them uploaded.
I'll put them up later. Baskets were fun, but I won't be joining any basket guilds any time soon. I'll take my crafts with needles and yarn, TYVM.
01.05.23 Fifteen years
2 years ago
Awesome!! I love the basket. Thanks for getting back into blogging :)
Looks like you had a really great basket teacher. Proves she can teach anyone.
Love, Your Auntie Alice
Wow, real live basket weaving! We always sort of used that as an example of a college crib class, but I guess it's a lot harder than people think. ;-)
Looks great! How fun.
Your basket looks fantastic. I love the color and the comment by your Auntie Alice!
Hey, I was surfing through to find some news relevant to college students and I found this part of their site that might be helpful to you. They have short little 10 min. news feeds daily and current event quizzes already made up for you. Not sure if you could use it or not, but I thought I'd let you know about it.
You know why I love you?
You still wear overalls.
I think you're the only person I know that can NOT look like a wannabe toddler in overalls.
...I'm a little jealous.
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