And that bike is about as custom as you can get as he pretty much fabricated everything except the motor and frame. He put it all together and the seat is actually a leather coat bought off of ebay. This bike has a suicide shifter with a foot clutch. When we went on a bike run, everyone was surrounding this bike to look at it when there were much more flashly and expensive bikes to ogle. He did a awesome job. I hear someone made him a Harley Davidson scrap book page..Wonder who? Mrs. Crafty?
And that bike is about as custom as you can get as he pretty much fabricated everything except the motor and frame. He put it all together and the seat is actually a leather coat bought off of ebay. This bike has a suicide shifter with a foot clutch. When we went on a bike run, everyone was surrounding this bike to look at it when there were much more flashly and expensive bikes to ogle. He did a awesome job. I hear someone made him a Harley Davidson scrap book page..Wonder who? Mrs. Crafty?
Yeah, I really need to take Mark out sometime to a cool country road when the light is nice and take some good photos.
And, yes, that would be a big affirmative on the HD scrapbook page.! ;-)
I NEED THAT. I now idolize your uncle.
Yeah, some of those Rockabilly style modeling pics you've been in would look pretty sweet on that bike.
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