Those of you who know me well know that usually, by this time of night, I am either a.) in bed asleep, or b.) quickly approaching bed.
Thanks to the four and half days spent on the West Coast, my schedule is a little off. It was great while I was in California - getting up at 6 a.m. Pacific each day felt like sleeping in for almost three hours. Of course, I did get tired a little early in the evenings, but since we were usually busy doing or seeing something, I stayed awake.
Alas, I think I was gone just long enough for my body to adjust a little bit. I had trouble falling asleep last night (could've been the hourlong nap at 6:45), and tossed and turned a bit. Normally, in the mornings, I'll wake up a few minutes before my 5:30 alarm. Today I actually snooze-buttoned it.
I haven't done that since I started using my cell phone for an alarm, almost three months ago. I used to be that person who set the alarm for a certain time, only to hit snooze for a total of 30-40 minutes each morning before I finally dragged my butt out of bed. I would even do this when my alarm was on the dresser ALL THE WAY ACROSS THE ROOM.
Yeah - I got up, out of bed, walked over, hit snooze, crawled back into bed, only to do it again nine minutes later.
A little tip: This method is great when you're single. Not so much when you're married and the spousal unit doesn't like being woke up every 10 minutes for an hour. (I can't imagine why...)
I'm glad I've stopped snoozing. I have time to eat breakfast, watch the news and check my e-mail and the blogs before I leave the house. And I STILL get to school about 15 minutes before contract time. That way, I've got some peace and quiet in my room so I can collect my thoughts before my first-hour class arrives.
I'm going to watch "The Paper" and head to bed. Hopefully I'll fall asleep before 11 p.m. I hadn't watched the entire first episode until last night. I really hope that all of the intra-staff drama is mostly contrived by MTV. Watching that show makes me glad I have the kids I do, and not some of the ones featured on the show.
After tonight, maybe I'll have a better idea of what's happening and I'll write some more about it. I know there are a bunch of current and former yearbook and newspaper nerds reading this blog - are you all watching the show?
01.05.23 Fifteen years
2 years ago
I'm a former yearbook nerd ... just not one of your's. Does this still count!? I watched the first episode, but didn't get tonight's watched yet. I'm a bit annoyed by Amanda and I've only known her for 23 minutes. I've heard lots of good stories about your staff and I hope they aren't like her!
I really want to watch it, but I never get the chance to watch TV.
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