So, last night I through a couple of my knitted bags in a hot wash cycle to clean them up, make them presentable for the sale. Some of you might remember my orange, yellow, gray and blue tote bag. The giant one. Well, it's TINY now. It's gone from a tote to a cute little purse. It's amazing how much shrinkage was left in the wool, I guess.
Here I sit, at the keyboard, hoping that it doesn't ice too much this morning and afternoon. We're supposed to have the Battle Bowl I/Yearbook and Newspaper Non-Denominational Holiday Party at 1. I'm watching the weather, thinking about how moms would feel about their kids out driving around when the roads might be bad. We all traded cell phone numbers yesterday so that if we do call it off, the word will get out. It would be funny to call it in to a TV station to see if we could get on the list of closings.
The funny thing is - if we did have to cancel it, it wouldn't be the first time a publications bowling party was canceled due to inclement weather. At Derby last year, we had to cancel a spring bowling event because we were under a tornado warning, and we didn't want the kids to be out in case something happened. Weird.
I was pleasantly surprised twice by former students this week. One surprise was a phone call. Steven, our photographer extraordinaire from the Class of 2006, has finally returned from Iraq. He's back in San Diego (which he reminded me on the phone the other night means "whale's vagina") right now, but it sounds like he will get to visit his girlfriend in Austin and then visit the greater Derby area the week of Christmas. I was really happy to hear his voice again, knowing that he is home safe and sound. When he was in high school, he was pretty soft-spoken, but I guess a couple years in the Marines makes you a little bit more boisterous.
For his sake, I'm hoping our wonderful president doesn't wake up on the wrong side of the bed and decide we need to send troops to Iran or Korea. It sounds like if that happens, he'd get called right back, off his leave.
The second surprise was this morning. I guess Bonnie must have been REALLY bored yesterday, because she left comments on like 15 blog posts...She was reading the story of my life all at once. I don't even know if I could have done that. It was fun to see what she had to say.
I think that's best part of blogging. I mean, sure, I like to sit here and write about my days, or my knitting projects, or movies I've seen, or whatever, but I love to see what people say back. The weird thing is - most of the comments sound EXACTLY like I'm talking to that person face-to-face.
So, congratulations you guys - you all get an "A" for voice in your writing.
I'd love to spout more, but I've only finished the Secret Non-Denominational Gifter Gift for my newspaper Secret Non-Denominational Gifter, now I've got to go finish the one for my yearbook one as well.
Oh yeah, I also have to clean house to day because we're having friends over to play Wii tonight. (Yes, I really am 30 years old). I'm sure they'll be some fun photos to post out of that event (maybe even video). How exciting - we're finally having some friends over who aren't from out of town - slowly losing "loser" status!
01.05.23 Fifteen years
2 years ago
threw vs. through
Ack! Oh my God! I can't believe I did that. That'll teach me to blog before I've had my coffee.
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