Saturday, December 8, 2007

A riddle

This is from one of my seniors:

What can go through the green glass window?

a poodle can, but a dog cannot
a noodle can, but pasta cannot
a Jill can, but an Adam cannot
a yearbook can, but a newspaper cannot
a foot can, but a toe cannot

Can you figure it out?


Lori said...

i'm stumped. not hard to do. looking forward to the answer!

chitknit said...

If anyone figures it out, don't post the answer, just post another clue.

Here's one:
a beetle can, but a bug cannot

Bets said...

I got it!

Here's a few more:
a needle can, but a thread cannot
a hill can, but a mountain cannot

Kathryn said...

Okay, Jeff thinks he's figured it out. Here goes...

Ozzy can, but Zombie cannot

Suzanne said...

Oh, I love the green glass window!! (My kids taught it to me....)

a roof can, but a ceiling cannot...
a floor can, but a basement cannot...
a cherry can, but a banana cannot....


chitknit said...

You guys are good!

Amy D. said...

an apple can, but a orange cannot
tree can, but a flower cannot

Lori said...

a zoo can, but a park can't
a crook can, but a criminal cannot
pee can, but urine cannot

is it as simple as that???

chitknit said...

It is. Good job!

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