Ah, man. We were supposed to play trivia tonight.
Adam doesn't feel well (might be getting a sore throat)
Betsy's got muchas housework to do
Mitzi can't play
Manal snowed under (she's a teacher like me, so of course she's got a billion things to do)
I guess we'll just have to bask in the glory of our win last week.
I'm not gonna lie, though, I'm secretly glad that I will not be out until midnight tonight! My warm bed will be calling my name long about 9:30 or so. For now, I've got to whip out two secret santa gifts - hats knit on big needles with bulky yarn - one for a newspaper staffer and one for a yearbookian (someone wrote that word on the board today and I kinda like it!).
At least there's a "Closer" Christmas special on the DVR list. I guess it was on Monday night. I love it when shows surprise me with new episodes.
On a slightly unrelated note: I've been thinking about making a couple of quick videos that show different knitting techniques - very basic - how to cast on, how to do a knit stitch, how to purl - in hopes that some more of my friends will fall under the spell of needles and yarn. If I made those and posted them here, would any of you actually TRY it?
01.05.23 Fifteen years
2 years ago
I will never understand the attraction of knitting, crocheting, etc., but that doesn't mean i wouldn't look at your instructional videos. It might help me better understand what the attraction is! Go for it.
I'm totally an Xtreme Team Trivia party pooper!
BUT ... I'm telling you ... the heated blanket I'm currently wrapped up in feels a million times better than a smoky bar and a trivia win!
I'd definitely watch your videos: my knitting skills are b-a-s-i-c and seem quite lame after seeing your wonderful finished pieces.
I know I can't french braid hair but I would watch the videos and if by some chance I got as crafty as the rest of the family...I would give it a try. But with really really cheap yarn. But then again I have a crooked pointer finger so it may not work out.
YES. I would love to see these videos. When I was in England about 10 years ago, my friend Lucy's mother showed me how to knit. I did a couple of potholders but then fizzled out before I finished the baby afghan I was knitting for a friend's baby. The baby is now 9 year old and it's still in the same shape it was in before she was born. Maybe I would pick it back up again if I had instruction. So it's really all on your shoulders now. :-)
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