Monday, January 21, 2008

My contribution to the great photo hunt

Okay, I stopped by Mom and Dad's today on my way home from a meeting downtown. I dug around for a bit, and came up with some pretty good examples of awkward photos. Denise, Jaime, Chris, Lori B. and Heather have also posted some sweet archival photos. You'll have to check them out, as well.

Here goes.

I'm pretty sure I saw this exact same background in someone else's pics.

Short hair on me but definitely still trying to get the wing thing.

Okay - this was eighth grade for me. A textbook example of middle school awkward stage, highlighted by the horrendous white shirt with stars that makes me look three feet wide. I'm pretty sure Mom picked that one out. It's too bad, too, because it's a great photo of Jayne and Mom and Dad.

By the way, we never dressed up as fancy as the last two photos suggest we did.

Definitely my favorite photo of Jayne and I.
Notice that we're wearing identical henley shirts, just different colors. It was the closest we ever came to the entire-family-decked-out-in-denim photos.

I think the left photo is second grade, the right one is kindergarten.
I've had horrible posture since then, I can see. After supervising four years worth of high school picture days, I can't believe they would shoot me like this. Every kid hears: "Sit up straight and smile pretty" and you can see them all straighten their backs. Maybe I just didn't follow directions.

Fourth grade, I think.

We always had pretty awesome Halloween costumes. Mom was always making them. Wish I had a photo of the year I went as a Christmas tree. It was pretty sweet.

Again, with the matching shirts. I'm not gonna lie, though. This is pretty much a perfect bangs day for whatever year that was.

Check out Dad's sweet 'stache.

That's me on the left, and my cousin Sara on the right. She was only about four months younger than me, and her mom (my aunt Janet) watched Jayne and I when we were little. Janet says people would always ask if Sara and I were twins when she took us shopping.

Jayne and I again.

She had the 80s glasses - I never did.

I can't believe how light our hair is in this photo.

My senior picture ca. 1995. I guess they hadn't invented eyebrow waxing in 1995, eh? Or I wasn't smart enough to be doing it yet.


I'm interested to hear the comments after y'all stop laughing...


Bets said...

I'm jealous!
As the second/last kid in the family, I was never taken to the photo studio for portraits. Molly, however, has years and years of fancy photos of just her before I came along!

My favorite is the one of you two in green dresses. Very cute!

Anonymous said...

I don't think Bets (see above) is brave enough to show similar photos.

Chris said...

Jill, you look so much like your Mom! The photos are great, thanks for sharing them.

Nicki said...

Those are awesome! I have a couple with that same fake forest background. And I have one in a nifty yellow dressy/jumperish thing! Very scary!

Heather rules said...

Loving the Brooke Shields brows. hehe. Great pics!

ksukim said...

These are priceless. Love the bangs in many of them. Do you realize I could have taught you?

Maria said...

Man! You look just like your mom!

Jaime said...

These are great. I wish I had a J cheerleading outfit. That totally rocks!

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