I've sold my first handmade item on Etsy...
The HOTLine phone/pda/iPod/iPhone cozy!
It's going all the way to Massachusetts. I suppose this time of year it's probably pretty cold there, so electronics really need to be cozied!
Adam and I are going downtown to see Barack Obama tomorrow after school. The doors open to the public at 3:45, so we're headed there straightaway as soon as school gets out. It'll be the first time I have attended an event like that since I quit being a professional photographer. I'll have to see how the other half lives.
I sat down tonight with every intention of watching the State of the Union (it's on my TV right now), but when I checked the e-mail and saw I had made a sale, I got too busy doing my happy dance, and calling Betsy to share the good news. Plus, I just really can't stand to listen to our esteemed president for a very long period of time. All I do is fixate on the verbal ticks and smarmy facial expressions, so I can't concentrate on his words very well.
The bits and pieces that did manage to filter in while I was doing other things sounded pretty much like everything else he's ever said, anyway, so I don't know that there's any news.
I'm looking forward to seeing Sebelius give the response speech though. I really do like her, and I'm proud and excited that our governor gets to be a part of the national spotlight.
01.05.23 Fifteen years
2 years ago
Congrats on the sale. I'm listening to Sebelius as I type.
Congrats Jill. Have fun tomorrow.
YEAH! You are one step closer to making your passion your full time job! Congrats, friend!
Congrats on the sale! Have fun at the rally tomorrow!
I do have an issue with your characterization of Dubya as esteemed....I can think of lots of words to describe him, but well none of them are family blog friendly. Sebelius did a pretty good job, I just wish there was more anger and fire. All this "we have to make nice" crap really frustrates me... Well didn't mean to lecture... ha ha!
I guess my sarcasm didn't drip throughout the post enough...
Esteemed is about the LAST word I would really use to describe him!
Congrats on your sale.
I won't get started on Dubya, because I will not be able to stop.
You could make another sale if you would knit a wash rag in white and red or red, white and pink. I need it for a "loser" gift for Bunco I am having on the 8th of Feb. Let me know if its possible. $5 right? and no shipping. Yeah!
Aunt Janet
Have you seen the Sebelius photo in Vogue? She looks quite elegant, I think. Congrats on your sale!
I have not seen her in Vogue - I'll have to check it out. I like her a lot - she's always put together.
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