Sunday, January 27, 2008

VH1derful...and other random musings

Last night, before we went out to celebrate Sage's 24th birthday, we got sucked in to "100 Greatest Songs of the 90s" on VH1. I swear, it's lucky for me that VH1 broadcasts crap like "Rock of Love with Bret Michaels" and "Scott Baio is 46 and Pregnant" because that's about the only time I actually turn off that channel. That schlock allows me to get up and actually get some constructive things done during the day.

We recorded the Top 10 songs last night because we had to go. Adam and I discussed what we thought would be number one. My choice for what "they" would say the top song is was "Smells Like Teen Spirit." My PERSONAL choice for top song of the 90s is "Alive" by Pearl Jam. Pearl Jam was in the Top 10, but it was "Jeremy." A great song, but just doesn't spark the same feeling as "Alive."

How good am I? "Smells Like Teen Spirit" was, in fact, the number one song. The other great thing about watching those countdown shows is that they help shore up my knowledge base for Extreme Team Trivia. (So, we'll call it RESEARCH.)


Here's the progress on the Relay For Life prize scarf. It's knit in a "faggoting pattern." I don't make up the names, I just knit the stitches. Mitzi is working on a scarf in the same pattern, with different yarn, so that's why I decided to try this pattern, too.

It's lacy, so even though it's knit from wool, it won't be superheated around your neck. Thanks to those of you who have entered the contest so far. To see what the contest is about, and enter, click here.


I'm headed over to Mom's today so she can help me sew a few new sweater bags. We found some great wool at the Salvation Army last week, and I'm excited to see how they turn out. I made a new red tech cozy out of one of the sweaters last night. It's posted to Etsy.


And last but not least, a snippet from last night's festivities. Maybe instead of football and basketball coaching, these guys ought to be cheer coaches?

1 comment:

Heather rules said...

I have to agree with you Jill regarding "Alive" I felt like that song had so much more meaning in my life than "Jeremy". I guess it's not all about me though. ;o)But I'm pretty much good with anything Pearl Jam has ever done.

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