Temperatures in the 70s drew everyone out of their winter malaise. I even wore flip flops when I ran an errand a little bit later in the day. Of course, it looks like those temps aren't hanging around long. I guess it's supposed to get back down around 35 and rainy/snowy mix late tonight and into tomorrow. Blah.
Mitzi and Betsy came over last night. Betsy brought little Minners with her. After the initial shock of being in a new place, Minnie settled down and chilled with us. She's a good little dog. We watched the KU-KSU game. Um, not as happy about the outcome of this one as I was about the earlier one this season. Oh well. It happens. We watched Ellen Page on SNL. It was a pretty good episode. There were definitely some laugh-out-loud moments, but Weekend Update continues to be my favorite sketch.
Hopefully the warmer temps will inspire me to come up with some spring and summer knitwear projects. I don't think I'm going to be able to sell scarves and winter wear on Etsy this time of year...Any ideas? What would you buy this time of year? I'm working on a new version of this:

In different colors. I think I'll be done knitting it in just about a half an hour. I started yesterday afternoon, while watching "Pirates of the Carribean: Dead Man's Chest."
I've got to go to school for at least a couple of hours today. I need to get caught up on some grading, and be ready for the next two weeks of classes.
Just a quick update from yesterday. I'll be posting some cool Etsy finds later tonight (after I get my WORK done...)
Minnie was already asking me this morning when she gets to come play again! She's pushy! :)
Congrats on almost being done with the bag. Knit away!
flip flops- i am SOOO jealous!!!
p.s. you've been tagged- check out my blog for details :)
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